Stone Domestic Sales Supervisor (1 persons)

  Job Responsibilities:

  1. Develop domestic customers, establish good relationships with customers, recommend products, and promote business order cooperation; responsible for order production, order management, etc.;

  2, can effectively develop potential customers for the company and lead the team to develop new customers

  3. Have certain marketing concepts and team management experience, and have achieved good team performance;

  4. Responsible for exhibition related work.

  Job Requirements :

  1. College or undergraduate degree, strong communication skills;

  2, have more than 3 years of experience in stone domestic sales, and be familiar with the business operation process;

  3, have good oral expression and negotiation skills;

  4. Have enthusiasm, be good at mining customers and give priority to customer resources;

  5. Those who have experience in stone sales are preferred.

  Department: Domestic sales

  Contact: Miss Xia

  Tel: 189-5007-8958

  Work Address: Huajian Building, 78 Xinhua Road, Siming District

All rights reserved Fabulous Group (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.     
