CAD Demolition Staff (5 persons)

  Job Responsibilities:

  1. Draw stone processing diagrams according to customer needs and factory needs;

  2. According to the engineering drawings provided by the customer, split the bill and settle the settlement;

  3. Draw Japanese stone construction drawings, draw Japanese summons (ie detailed stone processing drawings)

  4. Other drafting department work arranged by superiors

  Job Requirements :

  1. No gender limit, age 20-28, college degree or above; proficient in using EXCEL, know how to operate AUTOCAD

  2. More than 3 years of work experience in stone industry or engineering single drawing and demolition;

  3. Able to communicate with the factory and quote according to the business order;

  4. Stone work experience, dismantling domestic and foreign engineering drawings is preferred;

  5. It is better to be able to draw Japanese summons or construction drawings.

  Department: Drafting Department

  Contact: Miss Xia

  Tel: 189-5007-8958

  Work Address: Huajian Building, 78 Xinhua Road, Siming District

All rights reserved Fabulous Group (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.     
